– There are more moves and abilities than I can really fit into one place, so most Pokemon are cool as hell.

– All Pokemon have been changed in some way, all evolution lines have fresh ass new level upsets, The only fairy types in the entire game are the line. A lot of new items are absent although the interesting ones do show their faces. We think this will be exciting if you play it in your. Some of the balance changes in later gens have been reverted because I wanted leech life and Bullet Seed in early. Pokemon Pesadilla is a good Pokemon hack for Halloween from a Spanish hacker with the name ReoNeky.

– Dizzy Egg’s emerald battle engine: all moves, types, items, capture EXP and abilities up to gen 6 are in-game, though some are unavailable. – Fly to routes, reuse both TMs and move tutors, delete most HMs, use the updated repels and fishing systems, get all the secret base items, enjoy few storyline rewrites too In this game you will see a classical game with some customization. – All routes have been remodeled, and 5 new ones have been added including a canyon, a spooky house, and a mine. Pokemon Perfect Crystal is a hack of classical game Crystal. In addition to the graphics, the game also has many other notable changes. A ROM hacker nicknamed Luuma has spent a lot of effort when completely upgrading graphics for both Hoenn and Pokemon, even it is not inferior when compared to the graphics of the generation games, third in the series. If you’ve played through the original Pokemon Emerald game and feel like it, you won’t be able to skip the remake version called Pokemon Altered Emerald (Pokemon Emerald Hack) this.